Ammunition – Close Range RIP Round Live and Practice

Ammunition - Close Range RIP Round Live
Ammunition - Close Range RIP Round Practice


Close Range RIP Round Live and Practice
Close-range deployment of powder irritant

Developed for the use in close-quarter battle (CQB) situations, particularly those involving hostages where the airborne irritant can be used to complement other weaponry. It can offer new tactical options during life-threatening confrontations.

The 12-bore cartridge case contains a mixture of CSM (CS Micronised). If the weapon is held against the door, the powder will blast through the door instantly producing a cloud of airborne irritant. The concentration of CSM is sufficient to instantly disable the most determined and hardened occupant.

Unlike most other ammunition, the RIP practice round exactly imitates the live round except for the irritant. It can therefore be utilised in training exercises without causing distress.

    • All cartridges cases for live ammunition are see-through, printed with full description and colour coded Red with an 8mm brass base.
    • All cartridge cases for practice ammunition are see-through, printed with full description and colour coded Blue with an 8mm brass base.
    • Minimum order quantity 250 rounds
    • Clucas 12 gauge shotgun ammunition must only be used in Magnum Shotguns